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2D Magnetic Materials Characterization
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2D Magnetic Materials Characterization

Two-dimensional (2D) materials, a group of materials with atomic thickness and always without dangling bonds on the surface, have attracted great interest due to their planar structure, unique properties and expected device applications. Due to its prospective uses as spintronic devices, 2D magnetic materials have recently gained a lot of attention. Despite the fact that bulk magnetic materials have been investigated for a long time, recent advances in nanoscale characterization and device manufacturing up to the 2D limit have revealed new possibilities.

The focus of Alfa Chemistry is on the most recent developments in the characterization and characteristics of 2D magnetic materials. We provide 2D magnet characterization services to our customers, which are crucial for understanding their unique features. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you with your testing.

Characterization Methods for 2D Magnetic Materials

Alfa Chemistry measures the optical and electrical characteristics of two-dimensional materials using a number of methods.

Characterization Methods for 2D Magnetic Materials

Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence (PL) - Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive, very sensitive micro-area analysis tool for determining structural, optical, and electronic information in materials. In the study of photoexcitation mechanisms after light absorption, PL spectroscopy is equally significant and commonly employed.

Photoelectron Microscopy (PEEM) - PEEM is a strong surface screening instrument that detects electrons released from a material's surface to give ultra-high-resolution surface topography, chemical composition, and magnetic information.

Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy (LTEM) - The domain structure and magnetization inversion process of magnetic thin films have been studied extensively using LTEM.

Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) - MFM is an AFM-based approach that studies the local magnetic field with an improved spatial resolution by applying a magnetic layer to the AFM tip.

Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) and Reflected Magnetic Circular Dichroism (RMCD) - The magneto-optical effect is a direct impact on electromagnetic radiation in a magnetic state, which is generally defined by the magnetization of the medium through which the electromagnetic radiation propagates or reflects. MOKE and reflected magnetic circular dichroism RMCD have been widely explored to analyze the magnetism of high mass 2D ultra-thin magnetic materials, and it is a valuable approach for precisely exhibiting magnetic ordering.

Magnetoresistance Measurements - Magnetoresistivity measurements can reveal the magnetic properties of individual nanosheets with different morphologies and even thicknesses, in contrast to the total magnetic properties of a large number of nanosheets with different thicknesses and sizes obtained by superconducting quantum interferometry or vibrating sample magnetometer techniques.

Schematic diagram of three types of MOKEs: polar MOKE, vertical MOKE, and horizontal MOKE.Fig 1. Schematic diagram of three types of MOKEs: polar MOKE, vertical MOKE, and horizontal MOKE. (Hossain M, et al. 2022)

Characterization MethodType of Magnetic PropertyAdvantage
Raman spectroscopyStudy of spin-phonon interactions and lattice dynamicsNo sample preparation required.
Can be quickly acquired in seconds.
Raman spectra can be collected from very small volumes (<1 µm diameter) of material.
PhotoluminescenceStudy of photo-excitation processes after light absorptionNo sample preparation required.
High sensitivity and specificity.
High resistance to high humidity and magnetic fields.
LTEMMagnetization inversion microstructure and study of magnetic domain structureAllows the study of magnetic and crystal microstructures.
An effective method to obtain skyrmions realistic spatial imaging of two-dimensional dot arrays.
PEMMagnetic domains can be imaged in an element-specific manner.In situ observation of surface phenomena.
Surface mapping is performed by selecting a suitable light source depending on the chemical or physical properties
RMCDMagnetic moment measurementIn-plane and out-of-plane magnetization. 
Study of field-dependent magnetism.
Study of temperature-dependent magnetism.
MOKEDetection of magnetic impurities.
Hysteresis lines.
Residual magnetism, coercivity field and saturation field.
Layer- and temperature-dependent magnetism.
Kerr images in vdW crystals down to the monolayer limit.
Sample preparation is very simple.
Environment does not affect magnetic measurements.
High accuracy.
Short measurement time.
Provides non-destructive detection.
MFMAcquire images of the local magnetic domain of the sample.High spatial resolution.
Low temperature measurements.
No damage to lattice or structure.
MagnetoresistanceMagnetoelectric measurementGain insight into the magnetism of individual nanoplates.

You didn't find what you were looking for? We can deliver unique solutions because of our wide skill set. Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.


  1. Hossain M, et al. (2022). "Synthesis, Characterization, Properties and Applications of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Materials." Nanotoday. 42: 101338.

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